Sunday, November 14, 2010

Final Project Report

Ann(Right) and Me(Left)

I. Topic: Educational Video Games: concentration on handhelds
II. Partner: Ann-Marie New
III. Objectives of our project:
-Introduce video games as an educational tool
-Characterize educational video games by brand, price, and academic merit
-Illustrate advantages of educational handheld video games
-Demonstrate the ability and willingness of students to utilize these tools
IV. Project Duties:
-Research educational handheld video games: brand, price, academic merit (Kirby and New)
-Record a student who has and regularly utilizes educational handheld video games (New)
-Record a student who regularly plays non-academic based handheld video games (New)
-Spreadsheet of educational handhelds, prices, age group, curriculum, and features (Kirby)

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